Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nike Shox Vs Microbounce



I copied this recipe from Maria Jose Molina's blog
- 1 sheet
cooled pastry - Sugar glass
- pastelelera
Cream - Strawberries cut
Candy - Chocolate
- 1 / 2 liter of milk
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Skin of half a lemon
- 2 eggs
1oo grams of sugar - 40g. QUANTITY

cornstarch Cornstarch:

-20 g to -40 g custard

crema catalana for

-80 g for

pastry cream PREPARATION:
Cut the puff pastry heart shaped, square, the way you want, save the remains to the edge that will stick with egg, prick the bottom not to rise and bake 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. We took
and reserve.
When cool, sprinkle the top with icing sugar.

As we prepare the pastry cream: Put in a saucepan
the cinnamon stick, lemon skin, while we beat the eggs with the sugar and cornstarch, when the milk is to boil and continue stirring threw him until it thickens, remove from the heat, we introduce in the pastry and cold, garnish with strawberries and cut clean in half.
candies put them in the oven for about 7 or 8 minutes and let cool, then decorate.
the melted chocolate and I put it in a mold with figurines, we put in the refrigerator until cold

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can You Get Into The Army With Eczema

The First Day [1993] - David Sylvian & Robert Fripp

1. God's Monkey
(Bottrill, Fripp, Gunn, Sylvian) 4:58
2. Jean the Birdman 4:09
3. Firepower
10:25 4. Brightness Falls
6:05 5.
20th Century Dreaming (A Shaman's Song) 11:50
6. Darshan (The Road to Graceland)
(Bottrill, Fripp, Gunn, Sylvian) 17:17
7. Bringing Down the Light (Fripp) 8:31

The First Day is the first of three collaborations by guitarist Robert Fripp with musician David Sylvian, known primarily as the founder of the new wave band British Japan.

is said that when King Crimson Fripp wanted to rearm in the 90's, the choice for the voice of the group was Sylvian, although he declined the offer. And really this album is perhaps what would have been king crimson to have had Sylvian on vocals, as it also touches on this album Trey Gunn, bassist and warrguitarrista (it says so?) Of the group, known to this now. This album combines
very successful progressive rock, ambient, touches of funk, new wave and even some pop and is also the frippertronics fundamental. Musicians

* David Sylvian - vocals, guitars, keyboards, tapes
* Robert Fripp - guitar, frippertronics
* Trey Gunn - Chapman stick, vocals
* Jerry Marotta - drums, percussion
* Marc Anderson - percussion
* David Bottrill - treatments, sampled percussion, programming, engineer
* Ingrid Chavez - vocals

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