I love fish and especially the oven.
Soil buy fresh fish when I like and is a good price,
weekend and when I please and also when I have time
thaw it and do it.
4 Golden
1 large onion.
1 Red pepper.
2 courgettes.
4 Tomatoes.
powdered garlic and bay leaves
White pepper
soy sauce
fresh parsley
olive oil
Mix all the spices with oil and soy sauce and stir well.
Cut the onion into slices and put two in the center underneath each fish.
also Zucchini sliced, some are low and other overhead.
concoction you put the fish inside with a teaspoon.
On one hand, we turn to fish.
The pepper slices and cut it open to put it on the scarf.
We place the zucchini and tomatoes.
and bathe all the rest of the mixture
The oven preheated to 200 º I then low 170 º
Más o menos 1 hora .
Lo tapamos con papel de aluminio y lo descubrimos cuando esté listo.
Para que se dore lo dejamos con el calor del horno, es suficiente
As good company eggplant and fried cauliflower.
friend Happy week @ s