Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Life Expectancy


Esta receta se la he tomado prestada a Susana, del blog http://webos-fritos.blogspot.com/2008/01/roscn-de-reyes.html cuando podais ir a verlo, tiene recetas que quitan el sentio, bueno lo que dice ella ¡¡¡Todos hacer Roscón de Reyes, ya !!!

He hecho el amasado en la panificadora dejandola dos horas de levar, después he seguidos los puntos de la manera tradicional de la receta de Susana y así me ha quedado.

Tengo que decir que como es una prueba, he puesto la mitad de ingredientes.


Para la masa:
- 30 grs. de leche
- 35 grs. de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente
- 1 huevo
- 10 grs. de levadura prensada de panadería
- 13 grs. orange blossom water, to taste-
- 225 grs.
bread flour - 60 grams of sugar
- lemon and orange zest
- 1 pinch of salt For decoration


egg, beaten sugar moistened with a few drops of water
Candied fruits


This preparation does not use the dough, for not doing more work. Looks good though skip this step.

- Mix the crumbled yeast with warm milk for fermentation. Add eggs, flour sifted with a sieve, sugar and butter in a pan, a pinch of salt and orange blossom water, along with the zest of half a lemon and half orange.

- Mix everything, if possible, here I've put on the bread in mixing.

- Remove the mixture and place on the bench in which we have previously sprinkled a little flour to prevent us from sinning. Begin to knead with oiled hands.

- Once the mixture has been resilient the huddled in a ball and let it increase its size, a couple of hours at least.

- Once the dough has doubled in volume give roscón form, as explained in paragraph 7 of the preparation in Thermomix.

- Brush with egg and let stand until doubled in volume (this is levied shorter a long time).

- Paint again with beaten egg (very gently) and decorate with sugar moistened with a few drops of water and candied fruit.

- Preheat oven to 200 °

- Bake about 20 minutes, lower temperature to 180 degrees the last 5 minutes of cooking, if we see that it browns too much, put a foil on top.

- Let stand on wire rack, and when cold fill to taste or eat alone.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Read Rosetta Stone Rsd Files


Today I have decided to use the bakery.
The result has been to the pictures.
ingredients I have copied me of the blog Picapusa http://picaskitchen.blogspot.com/ , although some have left out jajajajaja


- 350 grams of bread flour
- 150 ml of warm water
- 50 ml
warm milk - 2 tablespoons olive oil (2 meters high)
- 1 teaspoon salt dessert (1 meter small)
1 pinch sugar - 1 teaspoon dry yeast dessert baker (1 meter small )

PREPARATION: Use the program

1 "Basic Bread" in the bakery, with the median size and grade of medium toast. Place
first liquid, ie water and oil here I've put the sugar and salt. Then the solids such as flour and yeast.
Start the program and you just have to wait to finish, and desmoldarel bread. You can put it upside down and tapped him to help you out. You may also go kneading blades embedded in the pan, but you can easily remove them when cold with the help of the included metal hook. Cool the pan on a rack for ventilation on all sides and ready.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Respond To Job Rejection Letter


not want to spend more time, to tell you that on December 17, 2009 I bought the bread at Aldi Quigg. Cost me 44.95 euros, let a bargain.
The machine has good presence, the only bad thing is that there is a booklet with recipes and we must be looking on the Internet.
I have found several blogs that have something of this bakery and I put it here:


'm newbie, but try to make a recipe jajajajaja.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obesity Rehab Centers,new York


- 1 / 2 kg of tape back in pieces
- 300 g of lard
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 10 of nail
- 10 peppercorns
- 4 strips of peeled garlic
- 1 lemon juice
- 1 / 2 tablespoon oil
- 1 glass of water

tape is put back into a saucepan with the cinnamon, pepper, cloves, garlic, lemon juice, oil, water and salt. Left until the meat is tender. When you pass the time you take the pieces of meat alone. (I here under, and let finite)
In the pot that has the juice of the above put the olive oil and white butter, let it melt over low heat, until you move trasnparente and cast the meat inside. (Remove the cinnamon stick) and let the meat is cooked until the water evaporates and lard is flush with the meat, later passing to tuperwar. Allow to cool and take the lard consistency.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Repair Broken Capillaries

Jeju Loveland

human and animal friends, I travel a frog Korean visiting my friend. It was pretty fun because I met Jeju Loveland. Is a research center where frogs are investigating human sexual positions, I must remind you that we know frogs only one (lick apparently nately, otherwise the human face of satisfaction would be meaningless). The place is full of human reproductive styles, I have been croaking of disbelief to see so many breeding locations known to man. Not yet finished our studies, but we believe that all these positions have a purpose beyond the pleasure maybe that's why the babies are all different, perhaps each position determines the color of hair or something. Research is not over yet, for l or we have nothing .. Without further ado found photos that I could get.

PS: Many photos have been disclosed yet.
PS: I do not understand yet because humans use the mouth as well, we just use it to croak and eat, you should see an end yet unknown.