Saturday, February 27, 2010

How To Cross Filing And Drawfiling

fried rice "My Way"

Basmati Rice - Prawns peeled
- Onion
- Green Pepper
- Peas
large carrot - 3 slices of ham gorditas
- 2 eggs
olive oil - Salt
Put a pan of water to boil. When boiling add whole peeled carrots and peas (if they are not needed can cook) and the bag of rice. Add a pinch of salt and cook for 12 minutes. Meanwhile
take a pan and put oil to heat.
Beat eggs when the oil is hot tortilla and make a reservation
Cut ham slices into strips and reserve.
Where are the carrots, peas and rice away from heat and drain. Expected to warm up and book the carrots, peas and rice.
Put a large pan with 5 tablespoons olive oil check onions, peppers and saute until golden. Take the prawns and remaining ingredients and mix well and saute for one minute.


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