Thursday, June 3, 2010

Camel Toe In Volley Ball

Different Trains [1988] / Electric Counterpoint [1987] - Steve Reich

Different Trains (1988)

1 .- America - Before the War (8:59) 2 .-
Europe - During The War (7:31)
3 .- After the War (10:21)

Electric Counterpoint (1987)

4 .- Fast (6:51) 5 .-
Slow (3:22)
6. - Fast (4:30)

(Click on the links to hear these pieces by Yutu)

Steve Reich (1936) is an American musician, considered together with Terry Riley, Phillip Glass, John Cage and The Monte Young a pioneer of musical minimalism, current that arose after the Second World War, which (in a very minimalist definition) seeks to reduce music to basics, simplifying structures, harmonies, through slow, repetitive pulse or constant use materials with minimal variation.

This album, released in 1989, presents two works: Different Trains performed by the Kronos Quartet and Electric Counterpoint, played by renowned jazz guitarist Pat Metheny .

Different Trains (1988) is a composition for string quartet and tape; America: Before the War refers to his own memories as a child, and traveled by train from New York to California to visit his mother. In Europe: During The War links its own travel by train with in the same period were made to the concentration camps during the Nazi Regime. It is stated that, being Jewish and living in Europe, perhaps he would have made those trips, with a completely different order. After the War is the meeting between those who traveled in America and the survivors of those macabre European trains.
This is " a work in which Reich de nuevo utilizó fragmentos de voces registradas, como en sus trabajos anteriores, pero esta vez con un fin melódico más que como un elemento rítmico " (fuente: Wikipedia)

Electric Counterpoint (1987) es una obra para guitarra eléctrica (o guitarra acústica amplificada) y cinta, en la cual el instrumentista toca acompañado por la grabación de varias "multilíneas", que consisten en un ensamble de 10 guitarras y dos bajos eléctricos (de hecho existe una versión del propio Reich para este ensamble en vivo). Esta obra se inserta dentro de un grupo de trabajos similares que el compositor realizó para otros instrumentos: Vermont Counterpoint (For amplified flute, 1982) and New York Counterpoint (for amplified clarinet, 1985) both with electronic tape too. Musicians

All compositions are by Steve Reich. Kronos Quartet

* David Harrington: violin;
* John Sherba: violin;
* Hank Dutt: viola;
* Joan Jeanrenaud: cello.

* Pat Metheny: guitar.

- 192 kbps

WEIGHT 61.97 MB (zip file)

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