Friday, September 7, 2007

How To Make Up Your Name For Wrestling


Mangrazzo MGZ} { Magazine is a magazine reels { parties, partying, parranda for international colleagues}, which we did with my friends, comrades and colleagues Marcia Alberto, José Pinto and Jordi Casanueva for Art Direction Workshop at the University of Chile.

Grace is that the magazine that each issue should fully utilize a sheet of 60x80 cm, we could not use any compositional element {read fonts, images, text} if we had no licenses, permits and rights or the charges for art direction, typography and address content editor had to be managed separately to achieve a cohesive and coherent, although obviously we were all around ..

All content is produced by us, the images were taken and / or produced well for us and the fonts are free to use, except in two parts where typography graphic was modified to make it different from the original and power use.

graphic piece {personal} MGZ

can see the full review of ways: WEB VERSION


Pd: the contest moved from the free pass for the 1st week of October!


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