Sunday, March 27, 2011

Picnik Quotes For Myself


I've made some bread that another correctly.
And this was really good.
At home I got the approved

600 grams of bread flour
3 tablespoons olive oil
25 grams of fresh yeast
350 cl. de agua templada.
Comino y ajo en polvo
6  Lonchas chorizo Revilla
Primero mezclé el harina y el aceite en la panificadora.
Luego le añadí el agua con la levadura diluida, pero la dejé reposar unos 10 minutos.
Cuando estaba bien mezclado puse harina en la mesa y le añadí la sal, el ajo el polvo y el orégano.
Volqué la masa encima y la trabajé bien con el rodillo.
Doblándola una y otra vez sobre si misma y vuelta a amasar.
Después corté el chorizo pequeñito and I added little by little while kneading.
I gave way, I covered and let stand for about two hours.
After the way and I put a napkin
made a ball and covered with parchment paper
for retaining the shape of the mouth.
was not to happen to me as the Kings Roscón,
levada who ate the hole. Hahahaha
a lever to know and learn another con!
Cut the chorizo
I sprayed water over and sprinkle with salt, cumin and a little flour.
A tray in the oven with water to maintain moisture.
220 degrees 25 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack.

To the eye a black olive.
And here's my bread chorizo \u200b\u200bfish.
The smell was .... Happy week
hummmmmmm friends do not fall asleep with the time change. Besos


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